Submit your business website to the best online directory for backyard contractors. We accept submissions from local contractors who provide home improvement services in these categories:
Landscaping | Mosquito System | Outdoor Kitchen | Outdoor Landscape Lighting | Patios & Decks | Pergolas | Retaining Walls | Backyard Swimming Pools | Synthetic Artificial Grass

If you don’t see your business category, please click here to contact us.

Note: Please check your business name by clicking here before using this web submission form. Use this form only if your company is NOT yet listed here.

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Submitting your contractor business website to our directory has many benefits. is a high-quality niche directory where homeowners search for the best local home improvement contractors. Here are the benefits of getting listed on our directory:

1. Get Connected With Homeowners Who Are Searching For Local Companies

home improvement contractor directory
There are millions of homeowners searching for local companies to do their home improvement projects and we provide an environment where they can search high quality, reputable businesses in one place. Your listing page will have all of your contact information, including your website, email, phone numbers, etc, so homeowners can contact your business directly. All business listing is reviewed by humans to meet our quality standard.

You can also post videos, pictures of your projects to showcase your work portfolio, and much more. Let’s face it, your business needs more exposure. Submitting your site to our directory will put your business to in front of relevant demographics who are searching for your service.

home improvement SEO
Your home improvement business website needs local citations. Local citations are mentions of your business name and address on other pages. It is a proven fact that a business with more local citations are going to outrank businesses with fewer citations. The more citations you have, the more consistent your business become in search engines; therefore search engines show your business higher in their local search results.

If local citations from regular web pages are good, a local citation from our directory is even better because we are a niche directory that only lists backyard and home improvement websites. Search engines will put more weight on your citation from us because we are very relevant to your business.

3. Partner With Home Improvement SEO & Marketing Experts

Marketing for contractors
We are much more than just a local home improvement contractor directory. By partnering with us you have access to our expertise in bringing highly qualified leads for your business. The most successful contractors show up everywhere on local search engine results but they don’t show up by accident. Your business website also needs to show up everywhere and we can help you do that.

…and many, many more benefits. Also, did we mention it’s FREE? Yes, for a limited you can add a listing for free, so what are you waiting for? Use the form above to submit your business now!